T Noise
from disco to noise
NEXT: 04.04.2025 - 15. STIO FESTIVAL - Kunst Klub Kräftner, Graz/AT - stio.mur.at

Anti Social Web Log

There's an art piece for the radio coming...

I am still alive. Heading to and preparing for V:NM Festival. Very active on Twitter. Be bold and push the Twitter button!


Studio, Studio, Studio.
Aaaaaand: I hate that esoteric shit about music. Don't get hysteric. Keep cool. We will never reach enlightenment. We are much too stupid for that.

Yo! Back from Twitter. Back from terrorists fucking shit. Back from mass surveillance fucking shit. Back from European fucking war shit. Back from refugees crisis fucking shit. Back to having fun. Thanks Jan Böhmermann #ichhabpolizei. Thanks StiCri Orchestra. What a wonderful trip to Zagreb. I love you guys. Released an awesome Techno-DJ-Mix. Oh yes. Back to what I got to do. And that is music.

23:00...Extreme dreifach Überschneidung...I waited for that kick.
Extreme Bremserscheinungen...I hate this fuck.

Again...a complete un-arty day. But we do something audio related. Editing and mastering mur.at Streitgespräche 7+8. Data security first. Ah! Data is already secured. And what am I doing now?! Checking why my external HDs can't get unmounted. That's not what I wanted to do!!! Und do hängt's in Thunderbird aus.

Today is a complete un-arty day. Today is body day. Doing some manual labour. Doing some sports.

Weiter gehts mit Newsletter-Hacking. OK. Now we have this information: "Gmail requires that all styles be inline, It will strip out all media queries and really anything that you have in the head" (http://stackoverflow.com/a/22073202). Now trying out Mailchimp templates.
Es wird...
YEAH!!! READY!!! Feierabend...

I give a fuck on sharing! (just to have a contentious statement at the beginning of this ASWL)
What to do today: Sending out a newsletter. What to do before: Create a responsive newsletter design. I am trying out Ink, a responsive email framework by ZURB. License: MIT (http://zurb.com/ink).
I am living in the computer. Ui! Kompliziert. Table Massaker (http://www.duden.de/suchen/dudenonline/massaker).
Achja! Nur mehr "Tutner". Fuck! Feels like INK is not the right for me.
Let's make some basic testing: colors & fonts.